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Basic Apps and Software

 2Fax: General

  2fax is a commandline program which converts ascii files into fax (tiff) 
  formatted files. Works with Hylafax (Linux) and bgfax (Dos & Windows).
  Special thing about this that it also uses pcx files for logos, signatures, etc.
  Has been working for the last 8 years and converted about 120 faxes a day without
  any problems. 

  2FAX.exe  Version 3.05          16-Dec-2004              Written by Hans Harder
  2FAX is a C program based on makefax.pas written by B.J. Guillot.

  2FAX converts ASCII and PCX files into a Tiff G3 or a ZyXEL FAX file.
  2FAX does not support the /HDR switch (used only by BGFAX.EXE)
  2FAX extensions :
         - more inputfiles on cmdline
         - more cmdline switches  (pagelength, leftmargin, etc)
         - commands in ASCII files
         - flexible fonts
         - multiple PCX overlays
	 - landscape faxlayout

Return values from 2FAX :

      0         Conversion ok
      1         File not found
      2         Linelength too long
      3         Missing font file
      4         Missing font
      5         Too large font
      6         Missing PCX file
      7         No PCX id found
      8         Color PCX file instead of B&W
      9         Size of PCX file incorrect
     10         Invalid cmdline switch
     11         Ascii inputfile not found

Included files :

   DEFFONT1.C     :  C sourcecode of 2FAX
   2FAX           :  Linux executable (i386 ELF bin,
   2FAX.EXE       :  Executable with default font 0 loaded.
   2FAX.CNF       :  default commandline values for 2FAX
   2FAX.DOC       :  documentation file
   TEST.TIFF      :  Example file
   FAX.PCX        :  Needed for test.asc example
   YOU.PCX        :  Needed for test.asc example
   GREAT.PCX      :  Needed for test.asc example

   FONTINFO       :  Font information
   FONTGEN        :  Converts ascii and binary 2fax font files
   FONTJOIN       :  Combines multiple font files into 1 font file

 Fontfiles :

   2FAX.FNT       :  2 fonts  16x16 Low, 16x32 High Fixed
   COUR.FNT       :  4 fonts  Normal, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic  8x16 Fixed
   HELV.FNT       :  4 fonts  Normal, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic  7x15 Prop.
   ROMAN.FNT      :  4 fonts  Normal, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic  6x15 Prop.
   CHAR.FNT       :  4 fonts  Normal, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic  7x15 Prop.
   LUCBR.FNT      :  4 fonts  Normal, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic  6x15 Prop.
   LUCSS.FNT      :  4 fonts  Normal, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic  7x15 Prop.
   NCEN.FNT       :  4 fonts  Normal, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic  7x15 Prop.
   SYMB.FNT       :  2 fonts  6x16 Low, 12x32 High  Prop.
   XM.FNT         :  3 fonts  Normal, Bold, Italic               8x15 Fixed
   8859.fnt 	  :  by Wayne McDougall (see doc file)