For the installation you will need administrator rights
Download the zip file and run the program Setup_wSSH.exe as Administrator.
This Windows installer will ask you for the install directory and unpack all files.
Also it will register a DLL which is used for all SSH communication.
Default it will only allow connections from localhost and 1 user test (pwd test)
is allowed to have access.
The wSSH program can be run as a console or as a service.
After installation you can start the Administator GUI to configure the wSSH service.
Of course you can do also everything from the commandline
Syntax : wSSH <option>
A SSH Server for secure communication
Options: -install install the wSSH service
-remove remove the wSSH service
-run run it as a console
-start will start the service
-stop will stop the service
Example: wSSH -install # will create the service only
wSSH # will create and start the service
wSSH -run # will run in it console mode
Steps for installation as a window service:
1) Edit wSSH.ini for correct settings
2) wSSH -install
3) If the service should run on a other user, edit the properties of the service.
4) wSSH or select the start option in the service menu